The Role of Community Coordinated Efforts in Combating the Opioid Overdose Crisis: The Pennsylvania Opioid Overdose Reduction Technical Assistance Center
The Pennsylvania Opioid Overdose Reduction Technical Assistance Center (TAC) was developed by the University of Pittsburgh, School of Pharmacy, Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) and funded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) in response to the need for local coordination and supported efforts to address the growing number of opioid overdoses in Pennsylvania. This article outlines the TAC’s initiatives to address this crisis in 42 counties across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, stressing the importance of communication and collaboration both within and between communities, such as public health, public safety, first responders, physicians, the criminal justice system, and families. The TAC uses the Implementation Framework (IF) developed by Dr. Janice Pringle to achieve accurate data assessment and the effective implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of programs.
Copyright © by The Pennsylvania Political Science Association
ISSN 2469-7672 (online)